Associate Professor
Department of Global Political Studies, Malmö University, Sweden
Victor Lundberg is Associate Professor in History and Senior Lecturer at the department of Global Political Studies, Malmö University. His research deals with cultural and ideological aspects of fascism and the far right during the twentieth century from various transnational perspectives, focusing on the historical transformations of fascist ideas and ideologies as well as the (re-)constructions and staging of fascist masculinities. From 2012 to 2017, he was a partaker in the trans-European research network behind the anthology New Political Ideas in the Aftermath of the Great War (2017). Recently, he has published one study on the Swedish participation in, and experiences from, the 1929’s Nuremberg Rally (2020), and another study of the figurative and physical use of violence in the history of transnational anti-fascism (2020). In his 2014-monography En idé större än döden, he explores how the Swedish fascists in the Lindholm-movement attempted to stage themselves as a “new labour movement” in Sweden and attracted politically potent working-class groups. Lundberg has also done research about left wing (cultural) radicalism and “political outsiders” in Swedish modern history, military history, and the formative social effects of neoliberalism.
Research interests
- Fascism and radical right movements
- Anti-fascism
- Military history and “bunkerology”
- Neoliberalism