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Andersson, Lars M. 2024. “’Until the domination of theJews is crushed, Sweden is notthe land of the Swedes!’ Hammaren as an example of Swedish conspiracist antisemitism, 1943–1945.” Nordisk judaistik. Scandinavian Jewish Studies. 35 (1), The Print Culture of Conspiracist Antisemitism 1917–1945: Universal Patterns and Nordic Particularities: 90-111.
Bak, Sofie Lene. 2024. “’Denmark contra Jvdæos’:Conspiracist antisemitism and stigmatised knowledgein Danish national socialism, 1938–1945.” Nordisk judaistik. Scandinavian Jewish Studies. 35 (1), The Print Culture of Conspiracist Antisemitism 1917–1945: Universal Patterns and Nordic Particularities: 32-51.
Busher, Joel, Malkki, Leena & Marsden, Sarah (eds.). 2024. Routledge Handbook on Radicalisation and Countering Radicalisation. Routledge.
Christensen, Claus Bundgård, Poulsen, Niels Bo & Smith, Peter Scharff. 2024. “Ideology and the Application of Law in SS Courts: A Case Study of Legal Practice in the Third Reich”. Contemporary European History.
Forsell, Gustaf. 2024. Blodet och korset: tankefigurer i kristen nationalsocialism i Sverige, 1925–1945. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.
Gardell, Mattias. 2024. “By the Cleansing Flames of Fire: Qur’an Burnings, Racialized Religion and Politized Nostalgia in Sweden.” Violence, Conspiracies, and New Religions – A Tribute to James R. Lewis. Equinox, United Kingdom: 59-82.
Karcher, Nicola & Simonsen, Kjetil Braut. 2024. “The rise and impact of conspiracist antisemitism: an introduction.” Nordisk judaistik. Scandinavian Jewish Studies. 35 (1), The Print Culture of Conspiracist Antisemitism 1917–1945: Universal Patterns and Nordic Particularities: 1-14.
Karcher, Nicola & Simonsen, Kjetil Braut. 2024. “’The apocalyptic battle’ Conspiracist antisemitism in Norway during the German occupation.” Nordisk judaistik. Scandinavian Jewish Studies. 35 (1), The Print Culture of Conspiracist Antisemitism 1917–1945: Universal Patterns and Nordic Particularities: 71-89.
Merrill, Samuel, Gardell, Mattias, & Lindgren, Simon. 2024. “How “the left” meme: Analyzing taboo in the Internet memes of r/DankLeft.” New Media & Society, Sage.
Silvennoinen, Oula. 2024. “For freedom and justice? The Vasara circle as a conduit of conspiracist antisemitism in inter-war Finland.”Nordisk judaistik. Scandinavian Jewish Studies. 35 (1), The Print Culture of Conspiracist Antisemitism 1917–1945: Universal Patterns and Nordic Particularities: 52-70.


Andersson, Lars M, Pistone, Isabella et al. 2023. “Teaching and learning about the Holocaust: a systematic scoping review of existing research.” Holocaust Studies, ISSN 1750-4902, Vol. 30, nr 1, s. 1-21.
Bak, Sofie Lene. 2023. “No Place For A Woman: Olga Eggers.” Handbook Ideologies in National Socialism Online. Reitzenstein, J. & O’Byrne, D. M. (eds.). De Gruyter.
Bak, Sofie Lene. 2023. “’The Danish Streicher’: Aage H. Andersen.” Handbook Ideologies in National Socialism Online. Reitzenstein, J. & O’Byrne, D. (red.). De Gruyter.
Christensen, Claus Bundgård, Poulsen, Niels Bo & Smith, Peter Scharff. 2023. War, Genocide and Cultural Memory-The Waffen-SS, 1933 to Today. Anthem Press.
Forsell, Gustaf. 2023. “The Nordic Spirit and Race Psychology: Racial Conceptions of the North in Interwar Swedish National Socialism.” Religiographies 2 (2): 90–104.
Gardell, Mattias. 2023. “Lone Wolf Race Warriors.” Oxford Research Encyclopedias of Religion.
Gardell, Mattias. 2023. “Fascism and the Violent Replacement of The People.” The Politics of Replacement: From “Race Suicide” to the “Great Replacement”. Bracke, Sarah & Auilar, Luis Manuel Hernández (eds.). London & New York: Routledge.
Gardell, Mattias. 2023. “’The Radicalization of Western Man’: The Great Replacement, White Radical Nationalism, and Lone Wolf Violence.” Radicalisation in Comparative Perspective. Awan, Akil & James R Lewis (eds.). London: Hurst.
Karcher, Nicola & Simonsen, Kjetil Braut. 2023. “Antisemitism without Jews: The Impact of Redemptive Antisemitism in Norway before the Nazi Occupation.” Scandinavian Journal of History.  
Kotonen, Tommi; Andersson Malmros, Robin; Sivenbring, Jennie, Bundgård Christensen; Claus; Emberland, Terje; Karcher, Nicola; Lööw, Heléne; Malkki, Leena; Mattsson, Christer; Ravik Jupskås, Anders; Ritola, Venla; Sallamaa, Daniel & Silvennoinen, Oula. 2023. “When neo-Nazis march on Norwegian streets, you hear a lot of Swedish” : Pan-Nordic and transnational dimensions of right-wing extremism. Nordic Council of Ministers. TemaNord, 2023:503.
Kotonen, T., & Sallamaa, Daniel (2023). “Right-wing Extremist Group Survival in Finland: a Qualitative Case Analysis of Soldiers of Odin and the Nordic Resistance Movement.” Perspectives on Terrorism, 17 (4): 42-68.
Krautwald, Charlie & Johan A. Lundin. 2023. “Ett av de bästa medlen i vår propaganda. Cykeln i svensk och dansk politisk kultur under mellankrigstiden.” Scandia – Tidskrift för historisk forskning, 89 (2): 230-250.
Kunkeler, Celestine. 2023. “Counter-Revolutionary Strikebreaking in Interwar Europe, 1918-1929: The Role of Norway, Christopher Fougner, and Samfundshjelpen.” Scandinavian Journal of History.
Kunkeler, Celestine. 2023. “The Netherlands.”European Fascist Movements: A Sourcebook, Roland, Clark & Grady, Tim (eds.). London: Routledge.
Kunkeler, Celestine. 2023. “Sweden.” European Fascist Movements: A Sourcebook, Roland, Clark & Grady, Tim (eds.). London: Routledge.
Kunkeler, Celestine. 2023. “Finland and Military Volunteers in the Swedish Fascist Imaginary, 1809–1944.” The Historical Journal, 66 (4).
Kunkeler, Celestine. 2023. “The Swedish Brigade: From National Romantic Heroes to European Counter-Revolutionaries?” European History Quarterly, 53 (1): 88–114.
Lundström, Markus & Poletti Lundström, Tomas 2023. “Radical Nationalism.”Journal of Political Ideologies, online first: 1–14.
Lundström, T. 2023. “Evangelical Supremacy: Political Thought in a Swedish Revivalist Newspaper”, Nordic Journal of Religion and Society 36(2): 81–94.
Silvennoinen, Oula. 2023. “Periphery of a Genocide: Finland and the Holocaust”. Holocaust and Genocide Studies 37 (2): 312–327.


Andersson, Lars M. 2022. “Express-zionisten Isaac och den svenska nationen”, Issac Grünewald – konst och teater, idén, Karin & Rech, Carina, eds. Stockholm: Prins Eugenes Waldemarsudde.
Bak, Sofie Lene & Emberland, Terje. 2022 “Early Nordic Fascism and Antisemitic Conspiracism.” Nordic Fascism: Fragments of an Entangled History, Nicola Karcher and Markus Lundström, eds. Abingdon: Routledge.
Christensen, Claus Bundgård. 2022. Følg Wilfred! Radikalisering, revolution, nazistisk subkultur – en biografi om Wilfred Petersen. Copenhagen: Gyldendal.
Emberland, Terje. 2022. Fra gutterommet til Gestapo – en historie om radikalisering: Den nasjonalsosialistiske subkulturen i Norge 1932–1940. Oslo: Dreyers forlag.
Forsell, Gustaf. 2022. “Hidden Knowledge and Mythical Origins: Atlantis, Esoteric Fascism, and Nordic Racial Divinity.” Nordic Fascism: Fragments of an Entangled History, Nicola Karcher and Markus Lundström, eds. Abingdon: Routledge: 114–137.
Gardell, Mattias. 2022. “Esoteric Nordic Fascism: The Second Coming of Hitler and the Idea of the People”, Nordic Fascism: Fragments of an Entangled History, Nicola Karcher and Markus Lundström, eds. Abingdon: Routledge: 138-165.
Karcher, Nicola, and Markus Lundström, eds. 2022. Nordic Fascism: Fragments of an Entangled History. Abingdon: Routledge.
Karcher, Nicola. 2022. National Socialisms in Clinch: The Case of Norwegian National Socialists in Interwar Germany. Nordic Fascism: Fragments of an Entangled History, Nicola Karcher and Markus Lundström, eds. Abingdon: Routledge: 51-70. 
Kotonen, T. 2022. “Window to Europe : Finland and Nordic Fascist Networks during the Cold War. Nordic Fascism: Fragments of an Entangled History, Nicola Karcher and Markus Lundström, eds. Abingdon: Routledge:  166-187.
Kunkeler, Celestine. 2022. “A Dietsland Empire? The International and Transnational Dimensions of Dutch Fascism and the NSB, 1922-42.” Locus: Revista de História, 28 (2): 124–45. 
Kunkeler, Celestine, and Martin Kristoffer Hamre. 2022. “Conceptions and Practices of International Fascism in Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands, 1930-40.” Journal of Contemporary History: 1–23.  
Lundström. Markus. 2022. ”Barns perspektiv på svensk vardagsrasism”, Sociologisk forskning 58(4): 433–454.
Poletti Lundström, T. 2022. Trons försvarare: Idéer om religion i svensk radikalnationalism 1988–2020. Uppsala: Uppsala universitet
Silvennoinen, Oula. 2022. “A Pragmatic Revolutionary: R. Erik Serlachius and Fascist Visions of Society and Community”, Nordic Fascism: Fragments of an Entangled History, Nicola Karcher and Markus Lundström, eds. Abingdon: Routledge.


Bak, Sofie Lene. 2021. “Danish Historical Narratives of the Occupation—The Promises and Lies of April 9th”, Nordic War Stories. World War II as History, Fiction, Media, and Memory. Marianne Stecher-Hansen, ed. New York and Oxford: Berghahn: 35-48.
Bak, Sofie. 2021. Racismeparagraffen (100 Danmarkshistorier). Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag.
Emberland, Terje, and Alexa Døving. “Bringing the Enemy Closer to Home. ‘Conspiracy Talk’ and the Norwegian Far Right.” Patterns of Prejudice.
Gardell, Mattias. 2021. Lone Wolf Race Warriors and White Genocide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gardell, Mattias. 2021. “’The Radicalization of Western Man’: The Great Replacement, White Radical Nationalism, and Lone Wolf Violence”, Radicalisation in Comparative Perspective, Awan, Akil & James R Lewis, eds. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Gardell, Mattias. 2021. “The Girl Who Was Chased by Fire: Violence and Passion in Contemporary Swedish Fascist Fiction”, Fascism. Journal of Comparative Fascism Studies 10(1): 166-185.
Kotonen, Tommi. 2021. “Proscribing the Nordic Resistance Movement in Finland: Analyzing the Process and its Outcome”, Journal for Deradicalization, 2021/2022 (29): 177-204.
Krautwald, Charlie. 2021. Kampen om gaderne. Gadepolitik og rumlige krav i 1930’ernes politiske kultur. Kristiansand: University of Agder.
Kunkeler, Celestine. 2021. Making Fascism in Sweden and the Netherlands: Myth-Creation and Respectability, 1931-40. London: Bloomsbury Academic.  
Kunkeler, Celestine. 2021. “Organising National Socialism: Nazi Organisation in Sweden and the Netherlands, 1931-1939”, Contemporary European History, 30 (3): 351–65. 
Lundström, M. & Wendt Höjer, Fanny 2021. Erfarenheter av rasism i kontakt med svenska myndigheter och andra offentliga verksamheter: En kunskapsöversikt [Experiences of Racism in Contact with Public Institutions in Sweden: A Literature Review]. Stockholm: Forum för levande historia.
Lundström, Markus, and Tomas Poletti Lundström. 2021. “Radical-nationalist podcasting under a postfascist condition”, Fascism. Journal of Comparative Fascist Studies 10(1): 186-201.