On June 16–17, 2025, NORFAS will together with the Department of History at Uppsala University arrange the international conference Flight, Adaptation and Resilience: Fascists, Collaborators and War Criminals in the Post-War Nordic Periphery.
The early post-war history after the defeat of fascism remains understudied by scholars and not well understood by the wider public. An important aim of our conference is therefor to fil this gap while pointing out new venues for research within in the field. Thus, we seek to provide new impetus for research on this dimension of the history of the Nordic countries, as well as the migration history of Northern, Central and Eastern Europe and the historical background of present-day far-right populism. The sessions and the keynote lecture will be open to the public.
The conference is organised by Lars M Andersson, Olof Bortz, Nicola Karcher and Oula Silvennoinen and will take place at Uppsala University. The keynote lecture will be held by Gerald Steinacher, Professor of History and Hymen Rosenberg Professor of Judaic Studies at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He is author of the ground-breaking monograph Nazis on the Run and the foremost expert on how German national socialists escaped legal prosecution after the Second World War.
The call for papers is found here.
The conference is organised jointly between NORFAS (Network for Nordic Fascism Studies), SWEFAS (Swedish Research Network for Fascism, Far-Right Radicalism, Extremism and Populism Studies) and CIRCUS (Center for Integrated Research on Culture and Society, at Uppsala University), and financed by the Wenner-Gren Foundation.