Senior lecturer
Member of NORFAS Steering CommitteeDepartment of History, Uppsala University, Sweden
Lars M. Andersson – Uppsala universitet (uu.se)
Lars M. Andersson is Senior Lecturer at the Department of History, Uppsala University. Andersson has mainly studied Swedish antisemitism and refugee policy, but has also published high school textbooks on history and religious studies, anthologies on contemporary history, counterfactual history, the image as a historical source, liability issues and moral debate in historical accounts on national socialism, migration, and Jewish history as well three Festschrifts. He has been editor in chief of Historisk tidskrift (Stockholm), co-editor of the Lagerbringbiblioteket series, and a member of the editorial board of Opuscula Historica Upsaliensia. Currently, he is a editorial board member of Historisk tidskrift and Nordisk Judaistik/ Scandinavian Jewish Studies, co-editor of the new Forum for Jewish Studies series, Uppsala Jewish Studies, and since May 2022 editor in chief of Personhistorisk tidskrift. Andersson has supervised a considerable number of PhD students, was Director of Studies for Master’s and doctoral studies from 2003 to 2006 at his department, and from 2006 to 2012 head of the department. Since 2013, he is co-director of Forum for Jewish Studies at the Faculty of Theology. In 2019, he was awarded Uppsala University’s pedagogical prize in the field of the humanities, theology and educational science. Andersson was one of the experts in the inquiry preceding the establishment of Sweden’s Holocaust museum (Sveriges museum om Förintelsen). ). He is a founding member of the SWEFAS, and of the research network for scholars in the field of antisemitism studies, “Learning, prevention and consequences of antisemitism in the Swedish educational system”, funded by the National Board of Science (Vetenskapsrådet). Andersson is member of the NORFAS steering committee and participating in the NORFAS research project Inception: The Birth of Nordic Fascism, based at Uppsala University.
Research interests
- Antisemitism
- Swedish-Jewish history
- Fascism
- Counterfactual history
- Conspiracism