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Markus Lundström

Markus Lundström


Mid Sweden University and Uppsala University, Sweden


Markus Lundström – Academia profile


Markus Lundström holds a PhD in Economic History and is an Associate Professor in Sociology at Mid Sweden University and affiliate researcher at the Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies on Racism (CEMFOR) at Uppsala University. He has published extensively in the field of historical sociology. His fascism research focuses on how radical-nationalist ideas travel and transfigure through time and include the theoretical article “Radical Nationalism” (Journal of Political Ideologies, 2023) and the empirical article “Radical-Nationalist Podcasting under a Post-Fascist Condition (Fascism, 2021).Lundström’s studies also concern structural racism in Swedish schools and public agencies. Publications on this theme include the article “Barns perspektiv på svensk vardagsrasism (Perspectives on Everyday Racism in Sweden,Sociologisk forskning, 2022) and the popular science report “Erfarenheter av rasism i kontakt med svenska myndigheter och andra offentliga verksamheter (Experiences of Racism in Contact with Public Institutions in Sweden,” The Living History Forum, 2021). Lundström was project leader of the NORFAS workshop series from 2020 to 2022, co-coordinator of the network from 2020 to 2021 and editor of the joint anthology Nordic Fascism together with Nicola Karcher. Lundström is currently co-investigator in the NORFAS-project Inception: The Birth of Nordic Fascism, based at Uppsala University, and principal investigator in a project on Swedish Pentecostalism and antisemitism.

Research interests

  • Anarchist political thought
  • Fascist political thought
  • Temporality and historiography
  • Social movements

Featured publications

Poletti Lundström, T. & Lundström, M. 2021. “Radical-nationalist podcasting under a postfascist condition”, Fascism. Journal of Comparative Fascist Studies 10(1): 186-201.
Lundström, M. 2021. “ʻThe Ballot Humbug’: Anarchist Women and Women’s Suffrage.” Moving the Social: Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements. In press.
Lundström, M. 2020. “Toward Anarchy: A Historical Sketch of the Anarchism-Democracy Divide.”Theory in Action 13 (1): 80-114.
Lundström, M., and T. Poletti Lundström. 2020. ”Podcast Ethnography.” International Journal of Social Research Methodology, online first.
Larsson, S., and M. Lundström. 2020. “Anarchy in the Game of Thrones.”Neohelicon 47 (1): 117–129.
De Los Reyes, P., and M. Lundström 2020. ”Researching Otherwise? Autoethnographic Notes on the 2013 Stockholm Riots.” Critical Sociology, online first.
Lundström, M. 2018. Anarchist Critique of Radical Democracy: The Impossible Argument. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Lundström, M. 2017. The Making of Resistance: Brazil’s Landless Movement and Narrative Enactment. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Lundström, M., and T. Lundström. 2016. ”Hundra år av radikal nationalism [Hundred years of Radical Nationalism].” Det vita fältet. Samtida forskning om högerextremism III: Arkiv 5: 39-66.