The next conference of ComFas, the International Association for Comparative Fascism Studies, will be held in Florence, Italy, on 14-16th September, 2022. This year’s theme will be “Beyond the Parandoid Style: Fascism, Radical Right and the Myth of Conspiracy”:
“In the epoch of globalization through World Web 2.0, fake news, beliefs in conspiracies, and conspiratorial strategies have flourished; consequently, these phenomena have become research topics for sociologists, philosophers, psychologists, political scientists, researchers of cultural and media studies – and for some historians as well. This scientific and public interest has been fuelled, on both the shores of the Atlantic, by the rise of nationalist and populist forces which in the last decade have quite often referred to conspiracies in their propaganda, especially through social media. In this regard, a research agenda concerning the problem of theories and practices of conspiracy and their historical relations with the Right in European and global history seems to be timelier than ever.”
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Image source: Fotosamling, Norges Hjemmefrontmuseum